I must have been 6 or 7 years old, then. I thought I
saw something in our yard and went straight to see what it was. I bumped face
first into the window that was open. I didn’t see it. It hurt, but I was scared
to tell my mother. I didn’t want a scolding for being careless. I went
upstairs. My eldest brother was watching television. I told him what just
happened and he put some medicine on the wound that had now become evident on
my face. Back then, I only associated healing with wounds: scrapes on the
knees, bruises on the elbows, cuts on your faces. You fell, you injured
yourself, you had a wound and the wound needed healing. That was the way
healing worked, or at least the way I saw it. But, healing is so much more.
I was naïve enough to think that was the only
healing there could be in the world, or at least could not understand enough.
That could work for your visible wounds. But what about wounds that no one can
see? Not even yourself? That kind of healing needs much more time; sometimes
even years. And the healing works differently for every individual.
You need to heal from the hurtful words someone has
thrown at you, intentionally or unintentionally. You might as well need healing
from the unwanted judgement someone has passed at you. You need to handle
yourself well after doing so much for someone and then realizing you barely
matter to them. You can heal yourself from all that stress you take upon your
shoulders. You could take a stand and heal from all the memories in your past
that hurt your heart.
Because honestly, what matters is who you are today,
what you are today and how you are today. Anything that does not sit with peace
in your life, you might as well give it a second thought. How you heal totally
depends on you. Take a break; stretch your back, go for a long walk or a drive,
go on a vacation, catch up with your best friend for a coffee, read a book or
exercise. Anything that works for you, anything that makes you feel good is how
you can heal from all that unwanted things and hurtful things in your life and
do not let anyone else tell you otherwise.
Do not think that healing is only limited to wounds because it is not.
Heal yourself; heal from within.
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