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Showing posts from October, 2020

Why I always lock my door when I sleep

  So it’s Halloween and while I love me some horror movies to watch on this night, I can’t help but remember a little incident that happened a few years ago. I rarely locked my doors when I slept, before. I just didn’t feel the need to do so. I had nothing to hide, I wasn’t afraid of anyone or anything would barge in and frankly if I were to sleep late, someone could just come in and wake me up before I became late for school. Even my uncle was surprised when my mother mentioned to him that I do not lock the door at night. “You should lock the door when you sleep.” He looked at me. But I was indifferent to the statement. I was okay with how things were going, so why lock the door when there really is no need to? But all that changed after one night. It must have been around 10 years ago. I could not sleep that night. I tried reading a book. I listened to songs. I turned sides countless times. But sleep did not come easy that night. Mainly it was because of this scratching sou

Best Hot Chocolate

It’s the season for hot chocolate as the season is starting to get chilly and really, do you actually need an excuse to have a mug of hot chocolate? Here is what you will need 2 teaspoons cocoa powder (bitter or unsweetened would work best) 2 teaspoons sugar 2 cups of milk A handful of chocolate chips or dark chocolate bar cut into chunks whichever is more accessible for you 2 to 3 marshmallows Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time :  5 minutes Instructions Put your milk on a pot over the stove on medium heat Drop in your chocolate chips in there and give it a good stir and keep stirring until the chocolate is completely dissolved. It won’t take long. Take your mug Pour in your cocoa powder in there Add your sugar to the cocoa powder Pour your milk to the mug Stir until everything is a beautiful mess Put your marshmallows on top and take a sip. Enjoy it over a good book or cuddled up watching a movie.

Is the Dark Web Illegal?

  You must have heard about it; tempted by it even. You’ve probably had a few surfs on it. The dark web is a slice of chocolate cake we just cannot resist; you get the gist. Let’s be honest, we have all had our share of fantasies of the dark web. If nothing else, the curiosity to look into it. Why else would it not be available on normal search engines? Why else would it require VPNs? Why else would it require someone to be sneaky? It must hold something, right? Something dark? Something naughty? Something that is considered a no no? Allow me cut right to the chase and say the word out loud: illegal. It must definitely hold something illegal. Why else would it be pried away from eyes of the public for you to surf on like some deep bottom of the ocean that is dark and rarely looked into? Well, you are both right and wrong. Many things on the dark web are illegal. You will easily find fraud services and hoaxes. You will come across hacking groups and services to your heart’s cont

Is there life in Outer Space?

    I am willing to bet all of us have thought of this question at least once, one way or another. I’ve thought of it endless times and I am not ashamed to admit it. When the sun goes down, we see this whole other night sky: dark, intriguing, full of stars. It’s fascinating how the solar system works. Until 16th century, people actually thought the sun revolved around the earth and they thought Galileo was crazy for pointing out otherwise. Perhaps that pointing out that the earth, in fact, revolves around the sun and so do other planets that form our little family has opened up endless possibilities for the humankind. Thank you Galileo! It was my brother who got my curiosity into the outer space. He would show me through the telescope on a dark starry night: the craters on the moon, the rings of Saturn, mars and what was visible of stars far, far away. He would make me draw in my head the different constellations in the sky as he pointed them out. As a little girl, I was in awe. We

En Route Heart

I came across a video on YouTube recently. It is called “Top 10 most difficult roads in the world”. Needless to say, it had my curiosity at its peak. As I got halfway across the video, a random thought crossed my mind. You know what’s the most difficult road in the world that they should include, but is not mentioned here? En route someone’s heart. Have you ever tried really hard to impress someone? If you have, you’ll get the idea in a second. When you are trying an en route to someone’s heart, it can indeed be one of the most difficult roads. You could try endless ways or things for that. You’d want to know everything they like. You’d try to talk about everything they are interested in. You’d want to know anything about them. You’d do little things for them. You’d go out of your way to make yourself available for them. And still after all that, when they still don’t notice you; you’re more than likely to ask yourself: why? It is frustrating, heart wrenching, painful at times even

No Bake Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Cookies

  Yes, you read that right; if you feel lazy to do all the extra work but still want to munch on cookies, these are the ones for you. Here is a cookie recipe that can be made with only a few ingredients and doesn’t require much to do either. You get the best of both worlds. Here is what you will need Peanut butter Oats Milk Honey/ sugar water Chocolate Butter Butter paper/ parchment paper It will take anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes for preparation and even less to eat. Instructions Take your grinder and ground your oats to bits. I used rolled oats. Put the amount in accordance to your serving size. If you have honey, you can use honey. If you don’t have honey, sugar water or chasni will work just as fine. I used sugar water. Over medium heat you need to boil some water with about 5 teaspoons of sugar until it completely dissolves and the color is somewhat brownish. Melt 2 tablespoons peanut butter in the microwave for about 30 seconds to 45 seconds at P100. Keep


Have you wondered what it would feel like to walk around someone hundreds of feet bigger than you? If the dinosaurs were alive, that could have partially come true. But I guess that part has been better off for the sake of mankind. Anyway, this random thought came to me when I was sweeping our front garden one morning. There were dozens of ants scurrying about their business. I tried not to step on them as much as I could. I paused and then I realized that I must have stepped on hundreds of ants unintentionally during my lifetime. The imagination of a giant is no new idea that I bring up today. I mean how else would children’s book like Jack and the Bean Stalk or The BFG by Roald Dahl come up? The idea has always seemed fascinating. And of course we have all read the Gulliver’s Travels during our young days. What I thought during my little encounter with the ants in the garden that morning is somewhat similar to that of Gulliver’s Travels. We might not come across giants in our liv

The Birthday Thing

I’m not going to lie; I was a big fan of birthdays. I loved them, especially my own. I loved that I got to cut a big birthday cake, got presents and that this was my day and I get to celebrate me. But there comes a time in your life when you’re just not that excited about birthdays anymore. You get more excited about birthdays of family members or your best friends, perhaps. But not much on your own. Maybe it has to do that birthdays remind of you getting older or maybe not. So years ago, I lost most of my excitement for my birthday. I also realized another thing. My birthday is not about me, at all. Why am I the one being celebrated when I didn’t do anything worth being celebrated? Why don’t I celebrate it giving something to my mother since she is the one who brought me in this world on this very day; since she is the one who went through all the pain and the labor; isn’t she the one who should be celebrated and not me? There is this Newari tradition on birthdays: taking saga o

Sharing more positive news

  So here is something I’ve noticed all these years; correct me if I am wrong but news about terror, chaos and wrongdoings are more shared and discussed rather than positive ones. Breaking news flash on our televisions to give us information about the horrific incident that just took place; about natural calamities and the aftermath. And I guess it is justified somewhere because people need to be made aware and informed, right? We see timely updates or even live telecast from the location during such events. Every hour there is a review of the events that are happening around the country, international and sports. Political news, natural calamities, rape events, acid attacks and such take up most of the time on news. And when no such events are occurring, it almost seems as if there is nothing much worth sharing over the news. My question is why are positive and good news not shared with just as much enthusiasm? Do the news have to be astoundingly big to be shared over the news? Or a