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Pressure Cooker Biryani

If you are craving for Biryani during this lockdown, then I’ve got some good news for you. All you need is a pressure cooker, rice, some chicken, spices that are almost always available in the kitchen and a whole lot of love.

You will need

For the Biryani

½ kg chicken

1.5 cup of rice



Red chili powder

Cumin powder

Turmeric powder

Cinnamon powder


A few bay leaves

1 large onion

2 large tomatoes

Ginger garlic paste

Green chili

For the raita

4 tablespoons of curd (homemade curd is even better)

1 small opinion

1/3 of a cucumber


Red chili powder

Sounds like a lot, I know. But the taste is scrumptious.

The preparation time will take somewhere from 10 to 20 mins and the making will take you up to 25 mins. But hey, you get to have biryani so….


  1. First things, first, take 1.5 cup of rice (basmati would be even better) and soak it for at least 1 hour.
  2. Cut up your small onion and 1/3 of cucumber and drop in the curd.
  3. Sprinkle a little bit of salt and red chili powder. A little bit is all you will need.
  4. Give it a good mix. Put the raita in the fridge for a while to chill.
  5. Take you pressure cooker and put it on medium heat.
  6. Pour in abou4 tablespoons of ghee.
  7. Put in your bay leaves. Two should do.
  8. Add in your turmeric powder and cumin powder
  9. Don’t be shy with the red chili powder
  10. In go the chopped green chilies
  11. Add in your ginger garlic paste. Give it all a good mix.
  12. Put in a dash of cinnamon powder. Give it another mix.
  13. Add in your chopped onions and tomatoes and let the mixture cook for a few minutes. You will see that the ghee starts to separate in the middle. This is when you add in your chicken.
  14. Give it a another tumble after you add your chicken so that the chicken gets coated in everything.
  15. Add salt as per your liking. Let the chicken cook for 10 mins.
  16. After 10 mins give it another stir.
  17. Strain the rice that you had put away soaked for an hour. Add in your rice.
  18. After another stir, pour in water. It should cover the chicken and rice completely.
  19. Put the lid of the pressure cooker.
  20. After one whistle, lower the heat for a few minutes then turn it off completely.
  21. Spare the cooker 3-4 minutes to let the air out. Then open the cooker, your biryani should be ready.

Serve with raita on the side.


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